Many Charismatic teachers promote the belief that there is a distinct difference between the meaning of this word and Logos, even though both are translated the same in most Bibles. Some Pentecostal Christians view Rhema as the Holy Spirit's 'voice' that guides a believer or that offers a person some kind of special revelation that is not clearly revealed in Scripture. In the Greek language, the word Logos (Strong's Concordance #G3056) can also be translated as "word" in a number of English translations, such as in John 1:1, 14, Luke 1:2 and many other places. He warns them that God will hold humans accountable for every idle (lazy, useless) word (Rhema) that is spoken (see Matthew 12:24, 36). The word's second appearance in the New Testament occurs in Matthew 12 when some self-righteous religious leaders accuse the Lord of casting out demons by the power of Satan himself. It is also translated as "saying(s)" (Mark 9:32, Luke 1:65, etc.) and "thing" (Luke 2:15, Acts 5:32). In the King James Bible, the Greek word Rhema is many times translated as "word(s)" (Matthew 4:4, 18:16, Mark 14:72, etc.).
For the best results we recommend a download speed of 5 Mbps per a streaming player. With a high-speed Internet connection and the Roku Streaming Player you can watch Rhema Word Television from nearly anywhere around the world. The books that use it the most are the gospel of Luke (19 times), followed by the book of Acts (14 times), then the gospel of John (12 times). Rhema Word Broadcasting is working vigorously to bringing you the Ultimate Christian Television Experience. Interestingly, the word Rhema occurs at least seventy times in the New Testament Greek text.